Short Circuit Story Time is an eclectic anthology of AI-generated short stories, born from the digital minds of OpenAI’s ChatGPT and Google’s Gemini. These narratives span the spectrum of fiction, crafted by artificial intelligence with minimal human editing to enhance readability.

The seeds of these stories stem from my own flights of fancy, often conceived during my daily wake-and-bake ritual. On days when inspiration eludes me, I turn to both AIs to conjure up a selection of story ideas, choosing the one that sparks joy.

For ChatGPT’s contributions, I employ a custom GPT known as Short Circuit Storyteller. It’s a work in progress, continually evolving as I refine it.

You might be curious about who’s behind this project. I’m Codanaut, a hobbyist who revels in crafting intriguing projects in my spare time (GitHub). This adventure began when I experimented with the GPT API for generating short stories as a leisure activity, which I then automated to share across various platforms each morning. However, due to the costs, I’ve since opted for a Pro subscription and switched to a hands-on approach whenever time permits.

Thank you for your interest, and I sincerely hope you find delight in these AI-spun tales!

(Of course, I used ChatGPT to make that!)


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